Purple Tulip Bouquet

Hello!  Welcome to the Purple Tulip Bouquet Colored Pencil Drawing Tutorial series!

I have listed this as an intermediate/advanced drawing because of the number of pencils I used, the amount of time it took and the amount of detail in the tulips.  There is also a portion of the leaves that I did not catch on camera, so you have to be willing to venture out on your own a bit here. 

But, I don’t want to discourage my beginners!  You can still tackle this.  Working on drawings above your skill level can help you push your skills faster.  Just don’t psh yourself so far that you become discouraged.

This was drawn on Strathmore Bristol Smooth Paper using Prismacolor, Faber Castell Polychromos, Derwent Lightfast and Caran d’Ache Luminance.  The pencil was blended with Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits.

This tutorial series includes a reference image, line drawing/outline, a supplies list, a pencil list and 4 video-based lessons.

You will need to to be a member over on Patreon in order to access the modules but you can scroll down to watch a FREE 15-minute preview of this drawing.

Click on any of the links below to find the module you want to watch.

Have fun!

Free Preview

Click the link below to watch a free 15-minute preview of this drawing.